Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on March 12, 2012 at 4:30 PM by Global Reach

The earliest records available at the Boone County Extension Office are from 1925. Photographic history shows that one of the first clubs in Boone County was formed in 1922, the HHHH club. Extension records show youth clubs organized in eight townships to learn about baby beef, dairy heifers, sow and litter, draft colt, poultry, dairy calf and home furnishing. In the early years, the youth clubs had a close tie with Farm Bureau and townships. The groups were divided into boys in livestock-related clubs and girls in home economic clubs, often with a three year cycle of home furnishings, sewing and cooking.
Townships 4-H clubs also were involved in Rural Drama Tournaments that continued through 1950.
Harrison Happy HustlersO. W. Beeler, County Extension Agent in 1925, reported that the junior club work has always been considered a major project by the ones directing the Boone County Farm Bureau. Only the clubs where considerable interest is shown by boys and girls of the county are organized. The membership in the junior organization has increased each year with an enrollment of over 300 in 1925. The principle clubs receiving attention the past year were baby beef, sow and litter, home furnishing, dairy and draft colt.   The results of the junior club activities during the past eight years (giving the impression that the first clubs would have formed around 1917) have been very noticeable.
A number of purebred herds have been established because of the one or two animals cared for in a junior project. The prize winners at our local and state shows include a number that have had club experience.
A large percentage of the boys and girls that have been club members enter college and take up the leadership in their communities. He also wrote that the “junior club work of the county has been organized and is under the direction of committee’s name of the various project.
The club committees have been a great help to the extension workers in carrying out the program during the past year.”
In 1930 Dorothy Heryford and Esther Cation were the Home Demonstration Agents and H. E. Schroeder was the county ag agent. Heryford wrote in her report that the first annual county –wide 4-H Mother-Daughter luncheon was held in the American Legion log cabin in Boone.
Approximately 140 club girls and their mothers were present. Not only the program, but the lovely tables decorated with roses and tulips and the favors tiny flower pots in which sprigs of green clover were growing, and most of all, the splendid club spirit shown by both mothers and daughters, made the party a lovely one. She also wrote that the second annual Boone County Rally Day was held on June 6th at the Elks Hall in Boone with about 200 club girls and parents in attendance.
Boone County 4-H ParadeSchroeder reported that the 8th Annual Achievement show was declared by many to be the most successful of any of the previous exhibits. In the amount of premium money paid out, the number of township floats, the attendance and the window displays of antiques, the show was especially outstanding. Great interest was manifested in the floats and displays that featured historic and agricultural development of Boone County.
1934 brought a few events of recognition for Boone County. The Boone County 4-H boys set an attendance record at the Iowa 4-H Boys Convention at Ames when the delegation of 37 boys and six leaders not only was the largest at the 1934 event, but also the largest ever registered from one county in the history of the event. Not only were they prominent in numbers, but also in honors. One of those honors was winning third place in the Livestock Judging contest, in which 61 teams participated. In 1935 there were 15 organized boy’s clubs with an enrollment of 279. The girls clubs numbered 186 total enrolled in 12 clubs throughout the county. The Boone County Rural Drama Tournament that year was a huge success. Eleven one-act plays were presented at the tournament held in Boone during three nights in March of that year. The attendance was 2,725 people and the plays were the best of any tournament held.
In 1935, Iowa State College developed a 20-year Development Program for the Extension Service. Paul C Taff, Assistant Director, had this to say about the 4-H Program. “While the Extension Service is known as an institution whose program is concerned with adult education, there is one important phase that deals with youth. The boys and girls 4-H club work has become firmly established as an important part of the agricultural extension system in the United States. It began largely because of the failure of methods in adult education to affect the method of older rural people. In its beginning, the primary purpose of club work was to teach improved methods of agriculture and homemaking. Since the period between 1910 and 1912 when the work was inaugurated, it has been greatly broadened and strengthened in its program and objectives. It is now known not only as an education method to teach technical subject matter but also as a great social and recreational movement.
Slater Dairy Boys' FloatNewly elected and retiring County Girls' 4-H Club Officers 4-H calf project
4-H Demonstration TeamsThe early 1940’s brought some changes due to World War II. 4-H clubs were involved in many aspects of the war at the home front. Activities included a food-for-freedom program, reaching all farm homes of the county. Victory Gardens were established and reports show that 1,912 farm families and 884 town families were reached through this program. 4-H clubs also had victory gardens. 4-H clubs assisted in war bond campaigns, sale of defense stamps, scrap salvage drives for paper, metal, rubber and household fats, and other war activities in their own communities. 4-H boys and girls were often the replacement workers for brothers and hired hands that went off to war, keeping the food production program going. The major project area in 1942 for 4-H girls was oven products, with minor project areas being health and music. Boys’ 4-H club work continued to be baby beef, dairy, market pig, purebred, pig, lamb, poultry corn, colt and records.    In 1944 4-H girls contributed much toward the food production program by assisting with gardening, canning, and raising poultry at home. The 4-H clubs however hit a low in membership in 1944. There were 108 boys and girls in seven clubs. Many of the older 4-H members were drafted into the armed forces, and it was difficult to obtain leaders for the clubs that were organized.
Award Winners in Girls 4-H Club WorkBy 1951 Boone County 4-H was seeing a surge in membership. Over 100 new boys joined this year, bringing the total to over 300, the highest in several years. Rural electrification was a special activity during this time. Electrical education training schools were conducted with an emphasis on lighting and motors. Older and younger 4-H members alike were involved and became aware of electrical safety hazards and improved selection of motors and appliances. Also in 1951, a new attraction of the fair was a 4-H promotional feature. An adamatic machine with a capacity for 30 slides was borrowed from the Iowa Education Association. A tape recording was made to operate in conjunction with the slides so that the Story of 4-H was told as fair visitors walked by. 1955 brought a change in focus to the swine show as judges began to look for meat type hogs rather than lard type hogs.
1956 brought the Nebraska and Boone County 4-H boys exchange with sponsorship from the Boone Kiwanis Club. Two boys from Boone county visit the sandhills area of Nebraska for a week and then two boys return to visit Boone County for a week. This program continued through the early 70’s.
4-H Float4-H hereford calf projectHarrison County 4-H History
Outstanding Boy & Girl of the Year awardsThe 1960’s started a trend towards involving girls in showing livestock and more project opportunities for all youth including leadership and conservation camps and projects such as woodworking, small engines and photography. In 1962, Boone County’s Youth Committee became co-ed. Prior to that time, the 4-H boys club had their own committee as did the 4-H Girls Clubs throughout the county.
The change in the committee structure was to form policy for the 4-H program as a whole. The committee was made up of six men, and 6 women, along with a member of the Extension Council. A horse and pony 4-H club was formed in the 60’s. Another first for 1964 was the trip to Washington D. C. 19 girls and 17 boys were selected based upon their 4-H record and community activities. In 1964 there was a total membership of 674 boys and girls in 35 4-H clubs throughout the county. In 1965 there were 36 organized clubs with a total enrollment of 730 members and 96 adult leaders. Dog Obedience classes began in 1968 with three project leaders and 35 young people participating.
4-H membership remained strong in the early 70’s with over 600 members. A bicycling club was formed in 1973 and 4-H’ers were also encouraged to identify abandoned cars which were towed and crushed with $10 per car received for the Boone County 4-H program. Conference judging began in the mid 1970’s. This process of evaluating 4-H exhibits allows the member to explain his or her goals to the judge and how the 4-H’er worked to achieve that goal. On June 23, 1976, Boone County was hit by a tornado ravaging damages of approximately $20 million and practically destroying the small town of Jordan. This was the country’s bi-centennial year and 4-H clubs conducted service projects around that theme. They included planting flowers around Boone and presenting the Y with a bi-centennial flag. The fair theme that year was Spirit of 76 – Our Past and Our Future. In the 1970’s and the 1980’s 4-H clubs began to include both boys and girls. So many clubs changed names so they were not gender specific.
4-H'ers hold the key 4-H parade floatProgression of 4-H uniforms 
The first coed club in Boone County was the Boone Guys and Gals organized in 1979. Interesting club names throughout the years included Zenorville Zippers, Yell Young Yellers Union Rainbows, Jackson Jolly Janes, Beaver Blue Belles, and Dodge Dainty Damsels.
Boone County Extension has always been a stop or host for foreign dignitaries. Countries such as China, Japan, France, Czechoslovakia, and many of the former Soviet Union countries have found educational opportunities here in Boone County. The interest in 4-H programming stretches to all corners of the world and many are amazed at this fantastic educational opportunity.
Boone County 4-H ClubsThe 1980’s saw a change in family lifestyles, employment patterns, and numerous commitments to various institutions by all family members.
Production agriculture utilized the programmable calculator and mini computer for record keeping. The farm crisis took its toll on many families in Boone County with the first foreclosure occurring in the spring of 1983.  4-H enrollment varied from 375 to 450 members.
Traditional 4-H clubs continued in the 1980’s with an emphasis on recruiting new members and 4-H Leader training. Members were recruited through new school visits, 4-H Findout Meetings and New Member Night was initiated to help new members learn about all the possibilities 4-H membership offered.
In May of 1998 Boone County’s 4-H Foundation was chartered. The foundation helps 4-H’ers and their families with financial assistance to fund camps, State Conference and CWF activities. The foundation also assists with Leader Recognition, college scholarships, and other activities throughout the year. Without this additional funding, many of today’s activities would be curtailed.
The millennium was entered with anticipation of the 4-H Centennial.
Boone County celebrated with many activities, including a birthday party during the county fair, a historical slide show, and inducting Boone County’s first member of the 4-H Hall of Fame. The turn of the century saw another change in family lifestyles with the onset of technology in everyday living – cell phones, i-pads, texting, facebook, the list goes on. The world in the palm of your hands became an everyday occurrence.
Boone County 4-H has experienced numerous changes over the years. What has not changed is the 4-H commitment to youth and helping youth address the issues of the time. Early 4-H clubs address the agricultural need for food production and home economics immediately following World War I. Modern clubs teach healthy living, effective planning, volunteerism and community service.
4-H continues to thrive in Boone County today, meeting the needs of youth and adults. Youth today have many opportunities to incorporate the Head, Heart, Hands and Health into their 4-H experiences and everyday life. 4-H helps youth build valuable skills, take on new challenges, and forge life-long memories. The ongoing goal of providing meaningful educational experiences, leadership, personal growth and helping youth develop into effective citizens remains, and thousands of youth have benefited from their Boone County 4-H experience.
The Histories of 4-H Clubs in Boone Iowa in the year 2012 The Amaqua Warriors 4-H club stems from a longtime boys club in the Beaver and Ogden area. The Bluff Creek Wranglers 4-H Club was founded in 1995, and is located in the Pilot Mound area. The Boxholm Blazers is a combination of the Boxholm Bearcats 4-H club, a longtime Grant township boys club, and the Boxholm Busy Bees 4-H club, a longtime girls club in Boxholm. The Green Clovers 4-H Club was founded in 1980 by Annette Meier and Peg King and is located in the city of Boone.
The Harrison Hilltop Hornets 4-H Club stems from a Harrison Township boys club. At one time the club was part of the Zenorsville Zippers and then reorganized as Harrison Hilltop Hornets with Gene and Dave Pepper as leaders. Harrison Happy Hustlers is the 4-H Club of Harrison Township and is the oldest Boone County 4-H Club on record. This girls club was founded on May 16, 1922 by Mrs. A.P. (Lena) Moeller and met at her house. The Luther Loyal Larks were founded in 1945 as a girls club. The first leaders of the club were Grace Long and Rueben Peterson. In the 1970’s the club name was changed to the Luther Lassies, and in 1985 they became the Luther Livewires.
The Madrid Duets was originally two different all-girl clubs. In 1976 the Douglas Dames and the Madrid Rockettes combined. A meeting was held on November 6, 1976, to determine a name for the new combined club. Combining portions of each club’s name, the club members selected the Madrid Do-Ettes. The leaders were Margaret Welder, Lorna Carlson, Mary Lou Swanson and Jo Ann Berg.
The Madrid Merry Makers 4-H Club was founded on March 14, 1945 with 11 members. Home Economist Maxine Cryder led the first club meeting. Mrs.
Lewis Buche was the leader. and Mrs. Cleo Hurrstrom was the assistant leader. The Montana Miners became a Boone County 4-H Club in 2006 with first club leader being Debbie Hurley and was associated with the home school groups. The Rural and City Newcomers 4-H was founded in 1986 with six members. Kathy Williams, Patty Flynn and Jan Ahrens were the first leaders of the club. Club members participated in horse, dog, poultry, woodworking and photography in those early years. The Southside Pioneers 4-H Club was founded in 1988 to meet the needs of a group of young 4-H’ers who lived south of Highway 30 in the western half of Boone County. The first leaders of the club were Jim Haberer, Karla Bristle, and Jim Seeman. Early members of the Southside Pioneers 4-H Club participated in beef, swine, horse, home improvement, food and nutrition, and safety projects.
Town and Country Pioneers became a charter 4-H club in 2009 with Dawn Schmidt serving as the first club leader.
The Westside Hustlers 4-H club was founded in the early 1920’s and was located on the west side of the Des Moines River. It was one of the very first livestock clubs in Boone County. Past leaders include Carl Bergstrom, Kathy Haub and Jeanine Crosman.
Today’s Special Interest Clubs in Boone County include the following: In 2009 the Education in Shooting Sports and the Horse Interest group became 4-H clubs, Environmental Interest Club began in 2000 as a group of young people interested in environmental issues and became a 4-H club in 2009. The Science and Technology 4-H Club began in 2009.

Iowa 4-H Camping Center in Boone County

Iowa 4-H Camping Center, Madrid, IowaThe Iowa 4-H Camp near Madrid in Boone County began as a dream first expressed at a campfire gathering in the later 1940’s. That campfire circle consisting of Extension Service personnel and other young leaders was sparked when the late E. H. Hopkins of Meredith Publishing reached into his pocket for a $1 bill, asserting, “I’ll give the first dollar toward the formation of a 4-H Camp.” Hopkins’ action prompted the beginnings of a statewide fund-raising effort to raise $500,000 to establish a camp, now known as the Iowa 4-H Center. Thousands of club members, leaders and friends, as well as some organizations, joined in the effort to achieve that half million dollar goal and they did it in a relatively short period. In the mean-time, the Iowa Farm Bureau provided an interest-free loan with which the newly chartered foundation purchased a 557-acres tract near the Des Moines River for a campsite.
The first tract of land for the camping center was purchased in 1950, and the dream came true in the summer of 1952 when the first group of 4-H members camped at the site. A temporary structure had already been built to provide sleeping accommodations. The swimming pool came along in 1953, and Linden Lodge and camping villages followed. Each village is named for familiar Iowa trees including Hickory, Elm, Maple, Oak and Birch.
The Center consists of more than 1,100 acres of woodlands, meadows, wetlands and fields in the heart of the scenic Des Moines River Valley. The area is home to deer, wild turkey, raccoons, migratory waterfowl and birds, making it a haven to many wild species.
Richardson's Creek borders the 4–H Center property to the east and flows into the Des Moines River bordering the property on the west and south. The 4–H Center also includes several miles of hiking trails and a small pond.
Outdoor education is an important component of the 4–H program.
Faculty and staff of Iowa State University and the 4–H Youth Department Program develop and lead programs for youth year-round at the Iowa 4–H Center. Many students at Iowa State University also use the Center as a working classroom.

Boone County Fair

The Boone County Achievement Show was started as a joint project of the county Farm Bureau and the businessmen of Boone in 1923. Boone County Extension Director Orrie Beeler and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bass were instrumental to its origins. During the first two years the show was held in December and included mostly grain exhibits. In 1925 the date of the show was changed to August and included many 4-H club exhibits. Since the Farm Bureau was actively sponsoring both the Achievement Show and 4-H club work, it seemed logical to change the date of the Achievement Show to fit in best with the 4-H club program. During the next few years the Boone show came to be known as “Iowa’s Oldest, Biggest and Best Achievement Show.” In 1947 the name was officially changed to the Boone County Fair.
In its earliest days, the old armory and downtown store windows were used for display purposes and in the late 1930’s livestock exhibits were housed in the sale barn on old Highway 30. Departments included not only grain and livestock, but also township booth exhibits and parade entries.
In 1938 a flower show was added. It proved to be quite popular and has remained a part of the show ever since.
In 1939, just before the show was scheduled to begin, some tents being utilized blew down. Increased interest in and growth of the various programs had given people the idea that more permanent facilities were needed for the annual event. In the early 1940’s, 4-H club members raised $1,000 to use for a building program. Eventually a 24.5-acre tract near 8th and Argo streets was selected. The cost of the land was $2,000. Funds were collected from merchants and farmers; landscaping plans, along with livestock barn plans, were drawn up. Then, the war came, and all plans were dropped, and the land was farmed with the profits from the crops put into the building fund. In
1942 the Department of Defense asked to abandon all fairs. However Boone County did have a 2-day show with livestock at the sale barn, exhibits uptown and live entertainment in the business district.
The show directors, Chamber of Commerce and Farm Bureau board of directors met to discuss the future of the show and went on record as favoring the start of a building program in 1948. A grounds plan was adopted that provided for four show barns and an administrative building. A building committee decided to construct a pair of stock barns, and two finance committees were set up to help raise money for the project. A goal of $25,000 was set with hopes that the city could raise $12,500, and the farmers of the county could come up with an equal amount.   4-H’ers went to farmers and asked them to donate 10 bushels of corn. The corn was shelled and sold to the elevator and the money was donated to purchase the ground.
Boone County 4-H FairIn May of 1948, construction began on two buildings with August seeing the end of that construction. A week after construction had been completed about 80 farmers donated work on two different days to make pens, stalls and loading chutes. When the fair dates of August 23-25 rolled around, everything was ready for the first Boone County Fair on the new grounds.
Currently (2012) the Boone County Fairgrounds is home to a wonderful community building, an outdoor stage and indoor and outdoor arena, four barns and a campground area. Entertainers that have performed at the Boone County Fair and gone on to become show business legends include Ricky Van Shelton, Garth Brooks and Toby Keith.

Boone County 4-H Hall of Fame Inductees

Luella Miller began her 4-H involvement as a Greene County 4-H member participating in dairy, beef, foods, sewing, and gardening. She became involved as a local club leader after her marriage to Bob Miller and served a total of 21 years as a 4-H organization leader.
Arnold and Marie Harris of Boone have financially sponsored an outstanding 4-H member award for eight intermediate-age 4-H’ers each year for 32 years, honoring a total of 256 youth. This award is especially appreciated because it recognizes the accomplishments of the 4-H’ers and encourages the youth to stay involved in 4-H.
Max Frazier retired in July, 2004, after serving 24 years as Boone County Fair Board manager. 4-H members and volunteers in Boone County recognized Max as the man who always had their interests at heart. He was often quoted as saying with a smile, “4-H is the reason why we have the county fair. ”
Glen B. Anderson was a Buena Vista County 4-H member who went on to work for Iowa State University Extension for 29 years. Nineteen of those years (1970 – 1989) were in Boone County as Extension Director (his job title) and 4-H youth supporter (his passion.)
Art and Bev Sturtz joined Boone County 4-H as youth and have been involved most of their adult years as 4-H supporters and fair volunteers. Art served on the Boone County fair board (the Sunday morning worship service that he initiated still continues today) and swine superintendent. 4-H families appreciated his advice and friendly personality.
Deb Owens combines her love of kids and dogs as she volunteers in Boone County as dog obedience instructor and dog superintendent, which she has done for a total of 34 years. She is knowledgeable, patient and encouraging with 4-H’ers and dogs.
Joyce Patterson served as the Boone County 4-H Youth Coordinator for 21 years and a volunteer club leader for 27 years. In her county staff position, Joyce had a goal of informing 4-H members, families and the general public about the many educational and fun opportunities in the 4-H program.
Jon and Peg King met as 4-H members in Boone County, married and raised a son and daughter as active 4-H members, and continue as 4-H club leaders, beef superintendents, and donors today. During Peg’s 27 years as a 4-H club leader, she influenced more than 250 club members by encouraging each to try new activities, by planning fun, educational, and service club activities.
Fran Thompson worked for Boone County ISU Extension as an Office Assistant for 27 years (1960-1987). Fran was a favorite person among 4-H families because of her easy smile, great sense of humor and capable organizational skills that served as the backbone of the 4-H Program. Prior to her retirement, Fran said she would like to sponsor an award to recognize 4-H leaders for their dedication in helping young people learn and grow in the 4-H program. The Fran Thompson 4-H Memorial Leader Award has recognized one outstanding leader each year since 1987.
Shelly Schall grew up in Boone County and was a member of the Yell Modernettes 4-H Club. Shelly became a 4-H volunteer when her daughters (Amanda and Megan) joined the Southside Pioneers 4-H Club. Over the next 18 years, Shelly held many different volunteer roles. She was a leader of the Southside Pioneers 4-H Club for 12 years, helping 4-H’ers learn the Family Consumer Science project areas, and after evaluating record books, nominated members for county awards

Boone County Extension Staff through History

Agricultural Agents
O.W. Beeler 1918- 1927
H.E. Schroeder 1927-1932
Harley Walker     1932-1938
Herman Christie – Assistant Ag Agent – 1934
Herbert Plambeck – Assistant Ag Agent - 1934
Herb Plambeck was an assistant Ag Agent in Boone County in 1934. Mr. Plambeck went on to serve as WHO Radio ag reporter from 1936 until 1970.
C.E. Judd 1938-1944
Truman N. Nelson   1944-1971
Glen B. Anderson   1971-1989
Dave Quinlan      1989-1992
Donald Lamker        1992-1993
County Director
Richard J. Wrage   1994-2009
Regional Extension Education Director
Richard J. Wrage   2009 to present
Program Coordinator
Mary Clancy       2009 to present
County 4-H Club Agent/Youth Assistant
Glenn Anderson – 1931
Cecil Rooks - 1935
Lester Justice – 1935-36
Robert Sucher – 1936 - 39
Robert J. Howard – 1939 - 43
Edith Eveland – 1945
Maxine Cryder – 1945
Don Williams – 1946
Charles Donhowe – 1947-48
Richard Nelson – 1948 - 49
Gerald Wengert – 1950- 52
Forrest Ives – 1952 - 53
Roger Smith – 1954 - 55
John J. Young – 1955 - 56
Charles Fish – 1956 - 57
Bob Walker – 1956
James R. Frier – 1957 - 61
Roland Lickteig – 1961 - 64
Dean King – 1965 - 74
Bill Doubler – 1974 - 76
Deborah Pui N.Y. Sodt – 1976 - 77
Linda Kennedy – 1977 - 80
Kathryn Skelly – 1980 - 82
Betty Pohlman – 1982 - 84
Carla (Amos) Brinkman – 1984 - 87
Annette Anderson Brown – 88 - present
Joyce Patterson    1987 - 2010
Natalie Hedlund 2010 - present
Home Demonstration Agents/Home Economist Dorothy D. Heryford – 1929 - 30 Esther Cation – 1930 - 31 Bessie Redfern – 1931 - 32 Anna Sands – 1933 - 35 Elaine Brobeil – 1938 Velma Packer – 1939 - 44 Anita H. Walters – 1944 - 46 Nell Neill – 1946 - 47 Doris B. Vos – 1948 Betty C. Mackie – 1948 - 49 Joan P. Cullen – 1949 - 51 Carolyn Norberg – 1951 - 53 Ada Max Wright – 1953 - 56 Ruth Eich – 1956 - 57 Loy Buffington – 1957 Mary Lou Niemants – 1958 - 63 Sue Munson – 1963 Janet Hiller – 1963 - 64 Mary P Gayer – 1964 - 66 Evelyn Ruehr – 1966 - 68 Virginia Bishop – 1968 - 74 Mae Belle Godown – 1974 - 80 Beverly Jensen – 1980 - 81 Carolyn Manning – 1982 - 89
Other Extension Staff Members
Mary Mayer, Fran Thompson, Phyllis Kendall, Letty Miles, M. Louis Whitecotton Elaine Harden – Office Assistant – 1959 Melanie Eckhart 10/90 – 9/30/97 Jan Linn 4/22/92 – 9/29/00 Pat Reed 4/22/97 – 8/30/02 Dawn Schmidt 10/12/00 - present Jennifer Trosky 10/14/02 – 4/6/05 Jenna Bergman 5/11/05 – 12/22/06 Natalie Hedlund 2/5/07 – 4/09/2010 as the Office Assistant And in 4/09/10 as the County Youth Coordinator to present Mollie Haglund Office Assistant March 2010 - present
Fran Thompson 4-H Memorial Leader Award Recipients
1987 – Luella Miller, Boone Guys & Gals
1988 – Jon Davis, Colfax Happy Hustlers
1989 – Mary Poling – Harrison Happy Hustlers
1990 – Alma Shell – Madrid Duets
1991 – Deb Owens – Luther Livewires and Shirley Anderson – Harrison Happy Hustlers
1992 – Mary Anne Christensen – Marcy Merry Makers
1993 – Kay Christian – Peoples Guys & Gals
1994 – Dean Stephens – Harrison Hilltop Hornets
1995 – Kathy Williams – Boone Guys & Gals
1996 – Barbara Fatka – Madrid Merry Makers
1997 – Sue Bogue – Marcy Merry Makers
1998 – Jane Jones – Luther Livewires
1999 – Nancy Schneider – Madrid Duets
2000 – Lorna Lingren Scott – Bluff Creek Wranglers
2001 – Theresa Davis – Madrid Merry Makers
2002 – Peg King – Rural City Newcomers
2003 – Joyce Patterson – Green Clovers
2004 – Judy Frideres – Madrid Duets
2005 – Carol Ouverson – Prairie Pride
2006 – Murray Monson – Harrison Hilltop Hornets
2007 – Kriss Haglund – Bluff Creek Wranglers
2008 – Marlene Haberer – Southside Pioneers
2009- Debbie Hurley – Montana Miners
2010- Barb Osborn – Harrison Happy Hustlers
2011 – Heidi Blair – Marcy Merry Makers
Meritorious Service Adult Award Recipients
1966 – Ralph Scott
1970 – Chet Lowson
1972 – Farmers Cooperative Elevator Boone
1973 – Central Iowa Farm Service and Mr. and Mrs. Art Herman
1974 – 1064th Transportation Company, Iowa National Guard
1975 – Gene Mackey
1976 – Art Sturtz
1977 - Jim Anderson
1978 – Cleo Frazier
1979 – Mae Belle Godown
1980 – Boone County Porkettes & Pork Producers
1981 – Boone County Cattlemen
1982 – Bob Morgan
1983 – Early, Betty, Steve and Stan Lingren
1984 – Mid-Iowa Sheep & Wool Growers
1985 – Lawrence Bice
1986 – Marshall King
1987 – Farmers Cooperative Elevator
1988 – Boone Noon Kiwanis
1989 – Glen Anderson
1990 – Junior and Mary Lou Sundell
1991 – Brekke’s Town and Country Store
1992 – Shirley Walrod
1993 – Boone County Farm Bureau
1994 – Darrell Buzzell
1995 – Mary Poling
1996 – Sansgaard Seed Company
1997 – Krik Donelson
1998 – Kevin Moeller & Moeller Electric
1999 – Orscheln Farm and Home Supply
2000 – GF Four Investments (Godfathers)
2001 – Robert Buechler
2002 – Community Bank of Boone
2003 – KWBG Radio
2004 – Deb Weber
2005 – Blomgren and Safly Families
2006 – Clarks Food Mart, Ogden
2007 – West Central Coop
2008 – Farm Credit Services
2009 – Rich Wrage
2010 – Dan & Pam Lee
2011 – West Central Cooperative
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