Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM by Global Reach

2009 Boone County - Jon & Peg KingJon and Peg King met as 4-H members in Boone County, married and raised a son and daughter as active 4-H members, and continue as 4-H club leaders, beef superintendents, and donors today. 

During Peg’s 27 years as a 4-H club leader, she has influenced over 250 club members by encouraging each to try new activities, by planning fun, educational, and service club activities, and competently answering the many questions of 4-H families.  Peg started the Green Clovers and Rural and City Newcomers 4-H clubs, which are both active clubs in Boone County. 

Peg served nine years on the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee and sixteen years ago started a pancake fundraiser for improvements at the Community Building at the fairgrounds.  The annual pancake fund raiser still involves 4-H’ers, fair board members, and the community.  As a fair board volunteer, Peg has organized a popular pre4-H-age bucket bottle calf show for 12 years.  She recruits helpers (including 4-H members and a radio personality who interviews the kids) and purchases gifts for each exhibitor.  She was honored as the Outstanding 4-H Leader in Boone County in 2002.

Peg is a nurse at the Boone County Hospital who is active in stop smoking classes, community education, and cardiac rehab.  Peg is an idea person and is always willing to work to carry out those ideas. 

Jon has supported 4-H serving 20 years on the Boone County Fair Board, several of those as president, and has always been an advocate for 4-H.  He served on the Boone County Cattlemen board, Boone County 4-H Youth Committee, and as a 4-H beef committee member provides his facilities for beef weigh-ins.  Jon farms 1600 acres, raises cattle, and supports his son in a swine operation.  Jon is always willing to help a neighbor or 4-H youth and support the efforts to better the Boone County Fair.

Jon and Peg are respected members of the Boone County agriculture community for their experience, knowledge, and service.  They are experts on the cattle industry.  They are proud to support their son and daughter in the future of farming.

Tribute Gift

Categories: Boone

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