Iowa 4-H Foundation

The Schlapkohl Farm
Continuing to Benefit Iowa 4-H'ers

Marie Schlapkol and her two brothers, Henry and Eldred, lived and farmed together in rural Scott County between Walcott and Blue Grass. 4-H was so important to the Schlapkohl family that their estate was generously bestowed to the Iowa 4-H Foundation upon Marie’s death in 1988.

The Schlapkohl Endowment was established to provide for facility improvements at the Iowa 4-H Center and annual income generated from the rent of the Schlapkohl’s farmland continues to benefit Iowa 4-H’ers today as directed by the Foundation board.

During the past two decades, two couples have helped maintain the Schlapkohl legacy. Jim and Lynnette Buesing (tenant since 1991) have rented the farm, and Gene and Alberta Bernick have taken it upon themselves to landscape and maintain the grounds.

Marie Schlapkohl was a lifelong leader of the Blue Grass Sunshine Workers 4-H Club and was an organist for the Blue Grass Presbyterian Church. In 1936, she completed a 4-H project that won her a trip to National 4-H Congress in Chicago.

image of The Schlapkohl Family

image of Marie Schlapkohl




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