Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Pam Perkins and Margie Rosch served as long-time 4-H club leaders of the Deer Creek Wahelos 4-H Club. During their tenure as 4-H leaders, they always went the extra mile to become the best leaders possible for their club members. They took advantage of multiple training opportunities by traveling hundreds of miles to attend state and national 4-H Leader training events.

Pam and Margie were given the responsibility of organizing a very popular and successful Deer Creek 4-H Food Stand at the county fair. The funds earned from the food stand were used to organize and provide special 4-H learning events, field trips, and recreational opportunities for their members.

Their children and grandchildren have continued the volunteering tradition to the 4-H program with three of Pam's kids, Gina, Heather and Landon, all presently serving as Worth County 4-H club leaders.

Margie's granddaughter, Addie, from Minnesota, has been preparing and delivering ice cream pies to sell at the Worth County 4-H Food Stand in honor of her grandma Margie, who was famous for her ice cream pies. Addie also recently volunteered as a week-long Worth County 4-H food stand worker at this year's 2024 Worth County Fair.

Worth County 4-H is grateful for Margie and Pam’s steadfast dedication to 4-H and the legacy that lives on in the youths’ lives they’ve touched.

Categories: 2024, Worth

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