Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Kim and Mark Peterson are former 4-H members from Hancock and Webster counties. Both have been active as adults in Iowa 4-H and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Kim was a Hancock County Concord Chicks 4-H member in her youth and took sewing and baking projects to the fair. She attended Citizenship Washington Focus, volunteered at the Iowa State Fair, and was a summer fair intern. Later on, Kim was a Youth Committee member for eleven years, from 2005 to 2016, and could be seen helping at all events, including as an area trip chaperone, awards banquet, and county fair.

Mark served as an elected Webster County Extension Council member for four years. He also chaperoned an area trip. As a young person, Mark was a Burnside Promoters 4-H club member and took beef and swine to the fair.

Both Mark and Kim received the Webster County 4-H Alumni Awards in 2016. They have passed on their appreciation of 4-H to their daughters, Abby and Hannah, who were nine-year Webster County 4-H members. Webster County is honored and excited to celebrate Mark and Kim's contributions to the 4-H Program and the youth of Webster County.

Categories: 2024, Webster

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