Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

When asked why 4-H is important, Becky Fevold said, “Seeing former 4-H members that have accomplished their dreams in their special areas, whether it be horses, rabbits, poultry or any other livestock and also in the different non-livestock areas, you hope you have had a small part in their accomplishments.” With over thirty years of county and state level service, Becky Fevold has significantly impacted countless 4-H members’ accomplishments.

As a youth, Becky was a nine-year member of 4-H. Her projects included horses, sheep, and static exhibit projects. Becky followed those experiences by being a fair superintendent for horses, poultry, and rabbits. Throughout her years as horse superintendent, Becky led the horse program, including classes and practices. During the years, she saw the horse show decrease in size, but through her time watched it grow as well as the poultry program. Becky also served as the secretary and board member of the Fair Board

Becky was a leader for the Crystal Sunbeams Club for thirty years. During her time as a leader, the club would have two or three presentations at each meeting. In addition, they would host one or two workshops a year, which could be an all-day session in which the members work on something and could bring home a finished product. Becky was selected to help evaluate record books on the state level and to go to Waterloo to judge the Area Council.

Of her years in 4-H, Becky said, “Everybody should have the opportunity to be in it.” She learned a lot from 4-H, which helped her in school and getting up before the public. Tama County thanks Becky Fevold for her time of volunteering and continued support.

Categories: 2024, Tama

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