Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Shelli Larson has been an avid 4-H participant since her youth as a member of the Douglas Dixies. While in her club, she served in many officer positions, filled her time with presentations and projects spanning many categories, and received numerous awards. She also was on the County Council and served as County Historian in 1976. In 1977, Shelli was recognized as the Shelby County Outstanding 4-H Girl. That same year, she was crowned the Shelby County Fair Queen. Shelli helped her fellow club members make their first pie and eventually went on to help her kids make muffins and pies for the local contests each year.

Dress Revue was a passion for Shelli as a 4-H member. She eventually became the county fashion revue and clothing selection contest superintendent. For many years, Shelli enjoyed the many contest participants, including her daughter Liz. As a parent, Shelli served as a member of the County 4-H Committee, becoming president for multiple terms. She was also an active project leader of the Center Comers 4-H Club. Shelli also encouraged her children to seek 4-H opportunities outside of the community.

In 2007, to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Iowa State University, Shelli designed and helped assemble the first 4-H exhibit to be housed in the Shelby County Historical Museum. Today, Shelli volunteers in many ways in Shelby County, including spending hours behind-the-scenes decorating the county Iowa State Fair static exhibit display in the 4-H building to showcase each exhibit. While her involvement looks slightly different these days than during project and record book season, Shelby County appreciates her dedication to volunteering and teaching.

Categories: 2024, Shelby

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