Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Heidi Lowthorp grew up in Nebraska 4-H, where she enjoyed projects in food and nutrition, child development, and the talent show. After earning her degree in English and Journalism from Chadron State College, she moved to southwest Iowa for her first job as a reporter for the Clarinda Chronicle.

As a photographer for the Shenandoah Valley News, fate intervened when Scott Lowthorp and Heidi covered the same story. They were married in 1993, and Heidi became a stepmom to Andy. Jessica was later born, and when she joined 4-H, Heidi served as a Silver Skylarks club leader. Heidi was also a Youth Committee member and briefly worked as a county youth coordinator.

Scott was elected to the Fremont County Extension Council in 2013. Over the years, he has served 4-H as a Youth Committee member, photography project leader, and fair photographer. Most notably, Scott helped establish the Fremont County Fletchings Safety and Education of Shooting Sports 4-H Specialty Club in 2011.

A highlight for the Lawthrops was serving as chaperones for CWF in 2012. They remember experiencing the living history of a veteran at the WWII Memorial as he recounted his years as a soldier and nurturing youths’ civic engagement.

Today, Scott is a materials manager for Cargill Turkey and Cooked Meats in Nebraska City. He has enjoyed many opportunities to support 4-H in this role. Heidi has been an employee of Fremont County Extension since 2007 as the parent educator for Growing Strong Families and enjoys maintaining her connection to 4-H.

Categories: 2024, Fremont

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