Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Gary and Jane Blumhagen from Fayette County grew up in 4-H—Jane in Delaware County and Gary in Winneshiek. The Blumhagen’s truly have a love for 4-H and have impacted countless youth.

The Blumhagen’s served as summer trainees within Extension following their junior year at ISU. While serving in Floyd County, Gary focused on 4-H and Jane in home economics in Winneshiek County. Both graduated in 1966—Gary with a Farm Operations and Ag Education degree and Jane in Home Economic Education. This led them to teaching jobs not too far apart: Gary, high school ag in Elkader and Jane, 7-9th grade home economics in Strawberry Point.

Gary served 13 months in Vietnam. During that time, Jane was the home economist in Clayton and Allamakee counties. She also volunteered in the 4-H building at the state fair. Her greatest memory of her time volunteering was the announcement of the passing of Elvis Presley coming over the loudspeaker. Their two daughters, Jaci, currently living in Australia, and Trena, in South Carolina, could be seen working alongside their parents in the 4-H building as they grew up. The pair have judged for over 45 years at many Iowa and Minnesota county fairs and the Iowa State Fair.

Gary served on the Fayette County Extension Council. Jane was an IFYE delegate, spending six months living with six different families in Argentina, communicating only in Spanish. From 1981-1987, Jane was a club leader for the Union Busy Beaverettes. Today, Gary and Jane are great supporters of Fayette County 4-H, assisting at static judging day, attending county-wide activities and club fundraisers, and providing financial support.

Categories: 2024, Fayette

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