Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Jeff and Barb Kerr have been involved in 4-H, in one respect or another, for over 40 years.

Barb was actively involved in home economics projects as a Pleasant Grove Rockettes 4-H Club member. As a Des Moines County delegate, she attended the 4-H Citizenship Trip to Washington, D.C.

In later years, she served as a leader for the Mediapolis Busy Bees 4-H Club, as a Des Moines County 4-H Youth Committee member, and continues to serve as a member of the Des Moines County Extension Council for the past 40 years.

Jeff was never in 4-H but became interested when his children joined the program in 1985. Today, Jeff is an active Mediapolis Jr. Farmers 4-H Club leader and a photography judge for several county fairs throughout southeast Iowa. Jeff also served as the Des Moines County Fair photographer for over 30 years.

Barb and Jeff have three sons who were actively involved in 4-H and still work in agricultural-related fields today. They are the proud grandparents of six grandchildren, with their first great-grandchild due later this year.

Des Moines County is thankful to the Kerrs for their continued support and dedication to 4-H.

Categories: 2024, Des Moines

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