Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Larry and Jean Gritton’s 4-H involvement in Delaware County spans over 50 years. Larry was a 7-year Victory 4-H Club member in Johnson County, where he showed cattle and hogs.

In later years, Larry’s 4-H contribution centered around the Delaware County Fair. His first role was being a member of the Jaycees, a group that policed the fairgrounds and had a food tent in the early years. He served as the Delaware County Fair Board president and other officer positions for many years. During his leadership, he was instrumental in the construction of new buildings and renovations for 4-H exhibits at the fair.

Jean was the 4-H Leader of the Prairie Clovers 4-H Club while her daughters, Theresa and Pam, were in 4-H. She enjoyed helping 4-H members with their projects and encouraging them to volunteer in community activities. One of her favorite memories as a leader was taking her 4-H members to tour Des Moines. They visited many exciting places for educational purposes but also had time for some fun. Jean loves how 4-H combines learning and fun for youth.

The Grittons were known for grilling lamb burgers on Sheep Show Day. The pair can be seen in grandstands at the Delaware County Fair, supporting 4-H youth during the shows and livestock auction. They had a teamwork approach to 4-H, the fair, and life.

Larry and Jean continue to support the 4-H program and the Delaware County Fair. Their grandchildren are now active 4-H members. They enjoy watching their grandchildren participate in 4-H activities throughout the year.

Categories: 2024, Delaware

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