Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM by Emily Saveraid

Brenda Terwilliger joined 4-H at age 10, marking the start of a lifelong commitment to the organization. As a member of the Avery Musketeers in Avery Township and the Weaver Friendly Farmerettes in Humboldt County, Brenda demonstrated an unwavering passion for 4-H projects, particularly in food, textiles, and garden produce.

Her dedication was brightest through her work with steers and heifers. As a diligent farm girl, Brenda not only reveled in the care and showing of her animals but also earned numerous ribbons and proudly represented her club at the Humboldt County Fair and Iowa State Fair.

Brenda's dedication to 4-H was further influenced by her father, Richard, a 4-H leader. His guidance and example undoubtedly shaped Brenda's path as a leader and mentor within the 4-H community. In Cerro Gordo County, Brenda leads the CC Riders 4-H Club.

Today, Brenda and her husband Kevin are proud parents to Ashley and Christa and grandparents to four wonderful grandchildren: Brandy, Drake, Raelynn, and Maverick. Their family's growth mirrors the nurturing and development that Brenda has fostered in many 4-H members over the years.

Brenda’s life illustrates the 4-H motto, "To make the best better." Her achievements as a member, volunteer, and leader within 4-H, coupled with her professional success and devotion to family, make her an exemplary 4-H Hall of Fame honoree. Her legacy within 4-H and her community will inspire generations to come.

Categories: 2024, Cerro Gordo

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