Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 2:25 PM by Emily Saveraid

WinneshiekThese Fort Atkinson dairy farmers have been amazing supporters of the Iowa 4-H program for more than 40 years. Their 4 children and 10 of their grandchildren have benefited from 4-H opportunities through the years from the local to the national level. Beginning in 1979, the Schmitt family was active in the Auburn Township Clubs that participated in the Fayette County Fair, as that was the club that was closest to their home farm in southern Winneshiek County. "Our summers were always planned around the club's 4-H Achievement Show and the county fair," their daughters recalled. Grandparents, neighbors and friends were often engaged in teaching their crafts or hobbies and helping the children complete their projects.  

Diane served as a leader of the Auburn Raiders club for several years. Mark supported all of his children as they showed dairy cattle at the fair by helping train more than a few rambunctious heifers for the show ring. As their children now have their own families, Mark and Diane continue to support the Winneshiek County 4-H program and cheer on their grandchildren in all of their 4-H activities. 

They have served many years as volunteers in the Moo Mobile at various events around the county and provided an endless milk supply for the Clover Cafe during fair week.  They have purchased several 4-H animals at the Winneshiek County Fair livestock auction to show their appreciation for the hardworking youth who raise them. They contribute to the Iowa 4-H Foundation and enjoy attending the annual Legacy Gala. Mark and Diane can be found at local fundraisers, such as the omelet breakfast, soup suppers and the Endowment Gala. 

This couple is appreciated in the community for their volunteer service, the countless hours of helping youth and their ongoing financial support. Iowa 4-H is stronger and better because of these generous supporters.

Categories: 2023, Winneshiek

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