Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:39 PM by Emily Saveraid
Rosie De Bruin has been involved with 4-H since she was a 4-H member herself. All total, she has spent over three decades being involved in 4-H. Shortly after she married her husband, Keith, she became a leader of the Dutch Darlings, a girls’ club in Marion County. She was a leader for that club for a few years until she started to have a family of her own. Then in 1989 Rosie decided to be a 4-H leader again. She was a leader for the Prairie Pride Club in Marion County for 26 years. Her 4-H leadership covered the 4-H careers of her three children and many years beyond. Rosie is great at encouraging kids to show their gifts, talents, and creations as 4-H projects. S
In addition to helping with static exhibits, Rosie and Keith have helped make livestock projects available to 4-Hers. Three of their grandchildren house their livestock projects on their farm. Rosie was instrumental in reminding 4-Hers to get livestock entries turned in and answering questions about animal classes.
Rosie works in customer service at Leighton State Bank in Pella. She is involved in community service through her work. Another activity that she never misses helping with is serving the Marion County Bankers Association Appreciation Dinner that is served to all 4-H and FFA members and their families during the Marion County Fair. Besides the opportunities to serve her community through her job, Rosie gives of her time at church as well. She serves as a Sunday school teacher and has done so for so many years that she has lost count.
Rosie has inspired others to volunteer in 4-H to keep the program strong. Her daughter Renae is a 4-H leader, and her other children volunteer in their children’s clubs. Her daughter Denise serves on the Marion County Extension Council. Her 4-H legacy continues as she has six grandchildren who were or are active 4-H members. Marion County 4-H has definitely been impacted by Rosie De Bruin.