Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:38 PM by Emily Saveraid

MahaskaJerry and Kathleen Rempe have been dedicated volunteers to the Mahaska County 4-H program since 2000. Both Jerry and Kathleen have faithfully served as Bucket Bottle Goat & Sheep superintendents as well as 4-H Building Superintendents for our Agriculture and Natural Resources project area and Science, Engineering, and Technology project areas. Jerry and Kathleen both share a love for 4-H and have passed this love down through many generations. They have enjoyed watching and supporting their own children and now get the opportunity to watch their grandchildren grow through both livestock and static project areas. They also possess a deep love and drive for learning as retired educators. This love is evident in the support and encouragement they give to the Mahaska County 4-H program. Jerry and Kathleen are both dedicated volunteers within our Mahaska County 4-H program and both possess the passion we hope all volunteers have. Jerry and Kathleen, we are deeply grateful for your 23 years of service and appreciate the devotion you have to our program. We look forward to many more years of advice and commitment you will provide to the youth of Mahaska County. Thank you for your dedication to the Mahaska 4-H program.

Categories: 2023, Mahaska

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