Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:29 PM by Emily Saveraid

Jones CountyDave and Marlene Flory were married 67 years when Marlene passed in April 2021, with Dave following in August 2021.  

Growing up, Marlene was an active 4-H member in Jones County, and Dave was a member in Cass County, Indiana. All three of their children were active 4-H members. 

For many years, Dave was a 4-H club leader for the Oxford Livewires, and Marlene was a club leader for the Oxford Happy Hustlers. Marlene was at her best guiding 4-H members with their decisions, helping club reporters and even judging projects.  For decades, she was a correspondent for the local newspapers and reported on numerous 4-H activities. Dave was especially helpful with the 4-H out-of-state exchange program by chaperoning trips as well as hosting 4-H’ers and chaperones. 

Their oldest son Brad says, “Mom and dad's dedication to 4-H and the young people of Oxford Junction and Jones County have had an impact for generations. Many, including me, had their first opportunity to be in front of people, stand on our own, and learn from that experience. Those lessons last a lifetime.”

Deb (Flory) Foege says, “If it had not been for mom’s support and guidance, I would never have had the courage to get up in front of a group of people to give 4-H presentations. From dad, I learned through showing steers how the banking industry works and the value of a dollar.”

Their youngest son, Chip Flory says, “Mom was the face and voice of their contribution to 4-H, but it wouldn’t have been possible for mom to do what she did if dad didn’t provide support for her and for Brad, Deb and me. After growing up watching Brad’s and Deb’s 4-H careers, I felt like I had a head start on others my age because mom and dad included me in everything they did and they did everything they could to encourage my enthusiasm for 4-H.”

Categories: 2023, Jones

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