Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:22 PM by Emily Saveraid


Les and Diane Bacon have consistently invested their time, talents, and passions in helping children grow and learn within 4-H and the community. Les was a 9-year 4-H member in Humboldt County, where he served on the County Youth Council.  His favorite project area was livestock, especially sheep. Les’s 4-H contribution are many! He served as the club leader of C & W 4-H for 7 years. He is an active leader of Humboldt County Safety Education in Shooting Sports (SESS) and has been since 2007. He was elected to the Humboldt County Extension Council and State Advisory board for SESS. He is a deeply respected National, Level 2, Certified SESS Trainer. He wears many hats in this capacity including: county, state, and national rifle instructor, a match director for small bore rifle at the state match, state small bore coach for SESS, Level 2 SESS instructor for state rifle, and trainer for county and state level SESS instructors.  


Diane was a 4-H member in Pocahontas County, where she served as the president of her 4-H club. Her favorite project area was clothing construction. Diane's many contributions include 10 year Club leader for the Corinth Red Stars 4-H Club, 4-H Judge for neighboring counties for 17 years, target scorekeeper at the state rifle match, national scoring team member for small bore rifle in Grand Island, Nebraska, and an Extension Council nomination committee member. 


Les and Diane are very passionate about giving back. Les wants to pass on his knowledge by offering opportunities for 4-Hers to grow and excel in shooting sports. The “AH-HA” moments, when the pieces come together for youth, are very rewarding for Les. He enjoys working as a Level 2 trainer to teach new SESS leaders across the state of Iowa. Diane wants to continue to make 4-H a positive learning experience for the members. Diane’s time spent judging provides opportunities for teachable moments that are very valuable to youth. She enjoys the clothing projects as well as the STEM projects. A judging highlight for Diane was evaluating refurbished tractors; this was an awesome experience that elevated her own learning curve. Les and Diane have two children who were 10 year 4-H members. Their children were very active with livestock projects and other club activities. Les and Diane now have grandchildren who are involved in Clover Kids, livestock projects, and exploring all that 4-H has to offer. Les and Diane are excited to see what the 4-H future has in store for their grandchildren. The two have put so much work into making Humboldt County 4-H a positive experience for 4-Hers. Youth can benefit from many opportunities supported by the dynamic duo of Les and Diane Bacon.

Categories: 2023, Humboldt

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