Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:16 PM by Emily Saveraid
The Hamilton County 4-H program is proud to announce Cheryll and David (Dave) Entriken as their 2023 inductees. Cheryll and Dave are long-time supporters of the 4-H mission, proven by their years of service and dedication to the program. Together, they raised four children, all of whom went through the Hamilton County 4-H Program. If you were to ask them, however, they would say they consider all their former 4-Hers “their kids.”
As the Hamilton County Youth Coordinator from the early 90’s to 2016, Cheryll dedicated her career to “Making the Best Better.” Cheryll regularly assisted and led the planning of exciting annual opportunities, such as Junior Fun Camp, Intermediate Zoo Trip, and Citizenship Washington Focus. She was a strong advocate for STEM and robotics and loved getting youth outdoors to learn all things nature. Many participants recount the fun memories of creating meals over the campfire, participating in the creek walk, and tie-dying t-shirts at Junior Fun Camp with Cheryll.
Dave served as an avid volunteer for 4-H, well-known for hosting photography and woodworking workshops, being a club leader for the Freedom Warriors, and annually opening his garage up to help 4-Hers mat their photography exhibits for fair. Many alum can recount the fun, zany stories Dave would share whenever he was leading a workshop or serving as a chaperone on a trip. Youth knew that if Dave was on a trip, they were going to learn something new!
Together, the Entrikens held long-lasting relationships with dedicated volunteers, had many senior 4-Hers serve in state-level ambassador roles, and assisted in obtaining scholarship opportunities for as many 4-Hers as possible. 4-H alum and volunteers describe the couple as supportive, always encouraging youth to go out of their comfort zone, organized, and always prepared. Their impact on the Hamilton County 4-H programs continues to be felt today. We thank them for their years of service to their clubs, community, county, and their world.