Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 1:15 PM by Emily Saveraid

Guthrie CountyJeff and Natalie Derry have been involved in the Guthrie County 4-H Program for many years.  Natalie started out taking over leadership duties of the Clover Kids Club, when her oldest son became an aspiring 4-H member. 

When both of their boys were ready to become full-fledged 4-H members Jeff and Natalie started the Guthrie County SESS Range Finders Club as the first Safety and Education in Shooting Sports program in Guthrie County.  Natalie serves as the Organizational Leader, while Jeff works as an instructor trained to teach Shotgun, Air Rifle, Small Bore Rifle, Muzzleloader, and Archery disciplines.  Natalie can be counted on to figure out the best project area to enter a static exhibit and knows how to navigate the online system to get those last-minute livestock projects entered correctly. Jeff works with 4-H youth on the shooting ranges that he has set up on their own property and can be found outdoors on many hot summer Sundays helping kids hone their skills, supporting the State Shoot or coaching members for the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships.

When the Guthrie County Fair needed a Goat Superintendent, Jeff stepped up to fill the position. When the previous Goat and Sheep Barn needed to be torn down for new construction projects at the fairgrounds, Jeff was there to disassemble, move, and reassemble every single pen into their new location.  Natalie was also an active member of the Guthrie County Youth Committee where she donated countless hours every year organizing the 4-H Silent Auction during the Guthrie County Fair.  She was instrumental in gathering donations, setting up the auction displays, and making sure that the 4-H program could raise as much money as possible for future programs.  

Guthrie County is honored to have volunteers like Jeff and Natalie Derry who have lived and breathed the 4-H program for all the families that they have served over the years.

Categories: 2023, Guthrie

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