Posted on August 21, 2023 at 12:56 PM by Emily Saveraid
Carol Gruhn is a lifelong resident of Clinton County. She was very active in the 4-H program in the 1970s and 1980s. She volunteered as a leader of the Minnehaha 4-H Club for 15 years. Carol enjoyed encouraging the members of this all-girls club. One of the activities Carol enjoyed most was helping with a lunch stand. The club used the funds to go on field trips.
Beyond being a 4-H leader, Carol served as the superintendent of the home economic project area for 15+ years. She took special interest in the Fashion Revue and Clothing Selection classes by helping members with their projects. She also volunteered on the youth committee for 4 years. For many years, Carol has judged home improvement exhibits in surrounding counties.
Carol had no knowledge of the 4-H program when she was growing up until she went to the county fair with her cousins. She then realized she wanted to be a part of the process. As she grew up, she knew she wanted her children to be part of 4-H also.
Carol loves to cook and spend time with her family, she is also active in her church and serves as the president of the women’s group.
Carol and her husband Darryl were married in 1962. They farmed in the Low Moor area for many years, but now are now retired and live in Clinton. Their children, Dean and Cheri, were both active in the 4-H program. Dean also served as a leader. All of her grandchildren were active in 4-H and one of her 2 great-grandchildren is now in Clover Kids.
Carol feels that every child should take part in the 4-H program, it teaches responsibility, life skills, and values that children need to become successful adults. Thank you Carol for all of your dedication and service to the 4-H program.