Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 12:29 PM by Emily Saveraid

CedarIf you’re looking for Tom Wegener, chances are you’ll find him sitting ringside at a cattle show. Tom’s passion for youth, especially in the beef cattle industry, stems back decades where he could be found helping to guide 4-H and FFA members around the ring at shows across the nation.  

Tom is always willing to teach others and lend a hand when and wherever possible. He can often be seen during the fair offering rides to youngsters in his red gator, filling them full of knowledge and wisdom. He truly helps instill our county history and lessons of life to our young people, including hosting a trivia contest at the County Fair Queen and Fairboard Social prior to the start of the fair. One of Tom’s other passions is DJ and sound equipment and has been an integral part of the systems in place at The Cedar County Fairgrounds. He can be found in his element behind the soundboard playing his Country and Western music or at the microphone helping announce at the various events.

With a positive attitude and a smile on his face, Tom is one of the county 4-H and fair board’s biggest supporters, many days being on the grounds tinkering with things before anyone else gets there, making sure whatever he can do is done and prides himself on that.  You can not find a more respectful gentleman, with a bigger heart, who is willing to share his knowledge with all he encounters. 

While Tom’s impacts on the youth of Cedar County may not be as direct as others; he has, and  is, still doing his part to create a place for not only youth, but all who enter The Cedar County Fairgrounds and its surroundings, a place to learn and grow and carry on the things he has started and feels so strong about.

A veteran of The U.S. Army, Tom and his wife Janie live on an acreage Southeast of Tipton, Iowa. Along with cattle shows, the county fair, it’s youth and his sound equipment, Tom is also an avid Hawkeye fan.

Categories: 2023, Cedar

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