Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 12:27 PM by Emily Saveraid

Carroll County Rachel Meshek is a Carroll County 4-H Youth Development volunteer as a leader of the Richland Hotshots 4-H Club. Not only does she volunteer as leader to the club that her children have all been a member of, but Rachel was a member of the Richland Hotshot 4-H Club herself. Rachel is a second generation 4-Her with all three of her children now being raised as 3rd generation 4-H members of Carroll County. 

Rachel served as a member on the Carroll County Extension Council for four years. While being a member of the Carroll County Extension Council she was able to provide research-based education and engage the citizens of Carroll County in solving today’s problems and preparing for a successful future. By being a member of the Extension Council, Rachel also had the opportunity to guide local educational programming by partnering with extension staff to represent the community. 

Passion for the Carroll County Fair and all that it provides for 4-H members is something Rachel encompassed. Rachel and her family are always reliable when it comes to preparing and cleaning up the fairgrounds for the County Fair. She regularly attends the livestock shows even when her own children are not participating to support and lend a helping hand to county 4-H members, families, volunteers, and extension staff. Rachel holds a HUGE presence at static exhibit judging day. She can also be seen helping around the static display area and always has a toolbox of supplies on hand for last minute fixes for anyone who may need it! The Extension Staff can always count on Rachel to help with anything throughout the busy fair week! 

Rachel has a HUGE passion for the 4-H program and always goes above and beyond to give Carroll County 4-H members the best experience possible.

Categories: 2023, Carroll

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