Posted on August 21, 2023 at 12:17 PM by Emily Saveraid
As a young boy Stan Geiken was a member of the Eden Blue Racers 4-H club. Both he and his brother were 4-H club leaders for many years in Benton County. Stan continued his involvement in 4-H most of his life and became the county Iowa State University Extension Service Co-Director in 1999 and retired in 2008. He was a vital part of starting the county Cloverbud Program, Farm Safety Day program, and he started the in classroom follow up after 3rd Grade Ag Day. Stan continues to volunteer in these programs.
Stan’s proudest moment was when he challenged all 4-Hers in the county to a goal to increase 4-H enrollments. In this challenge he agreed to dye his hair GREEN if it was met, and sure enough he had green hair later that year to fulfill his commitment.
He lead the FSQA training teaching about residue. At snack time, milk was offered for a beverage. When he talked about residue it was easy to show youth and parents that even a little bit of milk that was in a cup and is now gone, still leaves a residue. That visual aid and explanation was a key part of teaching the FSQA program. It was a great teaching tool that continued after he retired.
Stan understood fully that it takes immeasurable dedication and time for staff to prep for county fair week and get through the fair. Stan would take a long fishing vacation to Canada after the fair, but prior to leaving he would make sure to get a gift for staff, something to say “Thank you for making it a great fair!”
He has also used his hobby as a bee keeper to educate young people on raising bees. There’s nothing better than tasting his homemade honey on a cracker!
Stan is a true asset to Benton County 4-H. His dedication to county youth and focus on providing worthwhile, educational, and fun programs has provided positive experiences for everyone involved. And a fun fact, he never takes a bad photo!