Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2023 at 12:15 PM by Emily Saveraid

Allamakee CountyGreg and Amy Lage have been life long-time supporters of the Allamakee County 4-H Program. They started as youth members of 4-H when they were 9 years old and remained active through their early adult years. They continued to instill the value of 4-H in their two daughters and many others they have met through their years in the program. 

Greg joined 4-H before his family moved to Allamakee County when he was in high school and joined the Cherry Valley Chums 4-H Club. At a young age, he began showing beef cattle, and his passion and love for that project continued to grow. Outside of his beef projects, he could also be found working on woodworking, citizenship, and baking projects for fair exhibits. 

Amy was a young member of the Glenwood Future Homemakers in Winneshiek County and was involved in baking, communication, citizenship, woodworking and sewing projects. She held many officer roles within her club, attended 4-H conferences, and participated on a 4-H softball team. When their daughters were in 4-H she served as a leader of the Cherry Valley Chums. 

Greg and Amy attended Pine Bluff 4-H Camp where they initially met and years later reconnected. They are certain that 4-H not only develops hard working, well-rounded individuals, but is a place to connect and meet lifelong friends. 

Through the years they have not only helped and supported their two daughters, Amanda and Hannah, but many 4-H’ers from the area. Greg and Amy can be found assisting with conference judging, beef weigh-in, retinal imaging, and the Youth Development Committee.

It is Allamakee County 4-H’s honor to present Greg and Amy Lage with the honor of being our 2023 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductees. Greg and Amy are a great asset to the Allamakee County 4-H Program and their service to the 4-H Program emphasizes the mission of the 4-H Hall of Fame. 

Categories: 2023, Allamakee

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