Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 12:28 PM by Cade Cameron

KayKay started her 4-H career back in 1967.  As most farm kids found, 4-H aligned with their upbringing and a natural step to continue their growth. Kay was a member of two 4-H clubs, one boy’ and one girls’ because back then, in order to show livestock, a girl could not join a boys’ club without membership in a girls’ club.  While a girls’ club focused on home economic projects, rotating disciplines each year, the boys’ club was focused on livestock projects allowing her to show market steers at Warren County Fair and Iowa State Fair.

When the local 4-H club in her community needed a 4-H leader, Kay stepped up and took over as a leader for 18 years. This allowed her to be involved and active as their three children passed through their 4-H careers. Many family memories centered around 4-H activities and livestock shows at county and state fairs, along with Ak-sar-ben and IJBBA shows where Kay volunteered with livestock weigh-ins and check-ins.

Kay has also been involved in 4-H as a member on the Warren County Youth Committee along with serving as a board member for the Warren County 4-H Foundation. Kay has served as secretary and current treasurer on the Youth Committee along with treasurer for the Foundation. Kay has volunteered for FSQA testing and teaching classes, judging record books, and working at fundraisers for 4-H Foundation.


Categories: 2022, Warren

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