Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 12:19 PM by Cade Cameron

Dan and Nancy UrmieDan and Nancy Urmie are the kind of volunteers that every county wants to have.  They began their involvement as 4-H parents.  They then moved into working with projects and shows at the county level.  The work they put into the dog project with the trainings during the spring and summer meant that 4-H’ers and their dogs were ready to enter the fair.  4-H’ers knew what was expected and had successful exhibits.

The poultry project members also benefit from help from the Urmies.  The work involved in setting up for the fair, helping to run the poultry show, and then tearing things down and putting them away for the next year allows poultry members to have a very positive experience.

Away from the dog and poultry projects and fair shows, the Urmies can be found willing to help any young person in any way they can. Many volunteers enjoy working with them, as they are conscientious, hard-working and always willing to lend a hand.  

They are excellent role models for young people and always have a ready smile.  4-H strives to offer youth the opportunity to have caring adults to work with.  Scott County youth are fortunate to have Dan and Nancy Urmie.

Categories: 2022, Scott

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