Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 12:04 PM by Cade Cameron

Dr. Daniel BerklandGiving opportunities to learn and grow is the main goal in 4-H. Daniel Berkland, DVM, is the epitome of this goal. In his 38 years as a volunteer, he has worked as a fair veterinarian, sheep superintendent, workshop presenter, served on the Osceola County Extension Council, helped the Westerners 4-H Club with their projects at Hawkeye Point, and educated the 4-H members and youth about honeybees.

In his role as a sheep superintendent, Dr. Berkland is a part of the Share-A-Sheep program. This program allows 4-H and FFA members who do not have experience with sheep to care for and train sheep for show. Dr. Berkland, through the Sibley Veterinary Clinic, purchases one wether and one ewe lamb for each Share-A-Sheep participant and provides feed. He helps put on workshops to prepare the exhibitors for the show. The Share-A-Sheep program is a great reflection of Dan's passion for 4-H.

Dr. Dan raised sheep and other livestock on a farm outside of Ruthven, Iowa. He participated in 4-H and was a part of the county council. Dan graduated high school and continued on to Iowa State University where he graduated from veterinary school. He married Dr. Loretta Berkland, DVM, and had four children, all of who have been active 4-H participants. Dr. Dan's youngest son started a 4-H project on honeybees. This project grew into a hobby for Dr. Dan, which he happily shares with the 4-H and youth of the county.

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach office of Osceola County, along with all 4-H members, new and alum, proudly supports Dr. Daniel Berkland as an Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame honoree.

Categories: 2022, Osceola

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