Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 11:45 AM by Cade Cameron

Brad VandenbergBrad Vandenberg is a lifelong resident of Lee County. In his 60+ years, he’s contributed much to his county and state. As a young boy, he was active in 4-H and Saddle Club, participating in both the county and state fairs. His excitement and commitment to both has only increased since then. His three children were actively involved in 4-H for many years, and Brad supported their projects and service all along the way.

He’s been a strong supporter of the Lee County Fair, serving on the fair board for many years, and even serving as the president. Brad hasn’t missed a county fair and can always been found helping around the fairgrounds, assisting with a livestock show, or grilling for a grandstand event. His commitment to 4-H, the fair and his county has no doubt been a factor in keeping the 4-H program strong and making the Lee County Fair a success.

Brad has also assumed a role on the Extension Council the last several years and currently serves as the president. His commitment to his county and ensuring the efforts of the Extension Council are effective, also makes him much deserving of this award.

He enjoys working with the youth to help shape future leaders. He exemplifies the values of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.

Categories: 2022, Lee

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