Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 11:40 AM by Cade Cameron

Cindy DirksCindy Dirks is a very active supporter of Jones County 4-H. She has been a 4-H leader, Youth Committee member and Extension Council member for 21+ years.  Cindy is also superintendent of the dog committee and helps with various additional committees in Jones County 4-H. Cindy is a passionate and positive volunteer with a focus on youth in Jones County 4-H. She is always willing to help when asked and especially if they ask including snacks.

Cindy has been helping with visual arts and horticulture at the Iowa State Fair and has been successful at recruiting additional volunteers to join in the fun of working at fairs.

Cindy is always looking for ways to improve the fair experience, the 4-H experience for youth and volunteers. This year she is researching county fairs near Jones County to bring new ideas and excitement to the Jones County 4-H program.

Cindy grew up as an active 4-H member and her children were active 4-H members. She has many tales to tell about her years of coaching her own children and 4-H members in her club. She was always stressing that downtime could be used to work on 4-H projects and that record books were essential.

Beyond Cindy's involvement in 4-H programming, she has been very involved in agriculture programs offered by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach such as Women in Ag programs, Annie's Project, and pesticide training.

Jones County appreciates all the time and talent that Cindy brings to the Jones County Extension community. She is serious about "making the best better".

Categories: 2022, Jones

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