Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 11:16 AM by Cade Cameron

Dee Gene & Linda McMartinDeeGene & Linda McMartin have devoted over thirty years in make the best better for youth in Grundy County.  Both DeeGene & Linda grew up in 4-H and made 4-H participation a priority for their five children.  They were right there beside all of their kids for all of their projects, presentations, county fairs, workshops, lock-ins, animal science roundups, camps, leadership opportunities, committees, club meetings, chaperones, State Fair and so much more. 

They invested a lot of time and energy into making sure their kids had opportunities to try any project they wanted, see it through to completion and that they learned something in the process. Their commitment to 4-H has impacted much youth through their willingness to help others and support trips and educational opportunities.

Linda served as the Grundy County 4-H Program Assistant for five years,12 years on Extension Council and has judged static exhibits at numerous fairs. DeeGene is an active volunteer and has served as a mentor for his grandchildren and their livestock projects. 

DeeGene & Linda continue to share 4-H with their grandchildren over the last ten years, helping with various projects and 4-H opportunities. 

Grundy County is thankful for its service and commitment to 4-H and for truly bleeding green by sharing its passion for helping youth grow and achieve great things.

Categories: 2022, Grundy

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