Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM by Cade Cameron

Judy Gronau

Judy McCollough Gronau grew up in rural Crawford County. She milked cows with her father on a farm near Vail. She always joked her father sold the cows when she went to college. She married Douglas Gronau and moved to a farm outside Vail in 1974.

She was not a 4-H member herself but when her daughter Andrea was old enough to join 4-H, she made every effort to allow her children to have the full 4-H experience. All four of her children were members of 4-H, Andrea, Greg, Todd and Troy.

Judy eventually became a leader of the 4-Corners 4-H Club and began volunteering during the fair with working exhibits and judging.  Judy was the parent leader of the 4-H News Network that began in the late 1980’s. She was always there to offer a hand to anyone needing help at the fair. For many years, Judy assisted on 4-H static judging day. When the 4-H’er had all their exhibits judged, they would return their form to Judy and she would give them their ribbons. 

During her time with the Crawford County Farm Bureau, just was instrumental in beginning Ag Days. Ag Days is an agriculture education program for 7th graders in Crawford County It was a collaboration between the Farm Bureau Ag in the classroom and Crawford County ISU Extension. Judy was on the Vail Community Club for many years and served as a Crawford County Soil Commissioner. She taught Sunday School and Confirmation at St. John’s Lutheran Church as well.

Categories: 2022, Crawford

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