Posted on August 22, 2022 at 10:57 AM by Cade Cameron
Since 1972, Al has been involved with local 4-H and FFA events. These events have included quiz bowls, judging for FFA contests, assisting students with learning and preparation of skills, AgCiting at the Clay County Fair, Tractor & Farm Safety instructor, KICD Annual tractor ride, tractor pull event at the Clay County Fair, area Spelling Bee announcer, and judging and announcing at local county fair livestock events.
In addition to time leading young 4-H individuals and others in the community or county, Al served on the Clay County Extension Council as well as the State Extension Council. Al has always been a believer in the younger generation and trusts that any time dedicated to the youth will create better skills for those individuals he encounters.
Anyone that knows Al can attest to his willingness to assist the youth in all ways possible as he himself is a great leader and highly respected member of the community.