Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 10:49 AM by Cade Cameron

Linda & Larry Shafer with their familyLinda and the late Larry Shafer have been supporters of the Cass County 4-H Program and Cass County Fair for many years, having daughters Jennifer and Amy participate in 4-H and FFA. 

Linda was a judge’s helper during static exhibit judging for many years both while Amy was in 4-H and with her granddaughters more recently.  She also was the Grove Township contact for food stand donations from 1998 to 2012 and again from 2015 to 2019.  She donated her time calling township citizens for donations of food to help keep the food stand stocked.

Some of Linda’s favorite memories and friendships stem from her work at the food stand.  Anytime there was a need, she was ready to put on a name tag and help out.  She remembers cutting hundreds of pies, dishing up salads, and washing many dishes with the late Wray McDermott with that old dishwasher!

Larry was always willing to provide any equipment that was needed and to take the night guard shifts.  One of his favorite fair memories that his daughters have heard “a few times” was when he was on duty with other dads who didn’t have livestock at home.  A steer had gotten loose and they left it until they found Larry and made him catch it.  The girls don’t remember him ever being terribly proficient with it but he did carry a lasso behind the pickup seat.

Most recently, Linda has helped daughter Jenny in the static exhibit area on judging day and has been a sponsor of several poultry trophies that she’s been able to witness her granddaughters receive on show day.

Linda says the fair week is one of the best weeks of the year.  She enjoys seeing friends and watching Cass County’s youth learn so much through the opportunities and fun available to them through 4-H and FFA.

Categories: 2022, Cass

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