Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 22, 2022 at 12:07 PM by Cade Cameron

Brian & Molly Klocke

Brian and Molly Klocke were both active on their family farms as children, and they have remained dedicated to the agriculture industry. They are the owners of Klocke Ag, a family-owned century farm located in northern Audubon County.

Brian and Molly are active volunteers in the Audubon community. Molly steps in and says “yes” wherever she is needed and as a result, has served as a 4-H volunteer club leader, Clover Commission (youth committee) member, and the 4-H food stand superintendent in Audubon County. Brian is quick to offer up his equipment, time, and a helping hand whenever there is a project happening at the fairgrounds. From providing emergency water when the water main broke, to painting horse barns and hauling sand for the rodeo, Brian is willing to volunteer. Their favorite part of getting involved with the 4-H program was the early mornings of the county fair. They would watch the children roll onto the fairgrounds to chore their livestock and prepare for their shows. It was in these hours they saw our youth actively learn that when you dedicate your head, heart, hands, and health to something larger, great things come to fruition. Brian and Molly are no strangers to dedication themselves; their reach into the community goes far beyond the

4-H program.

The Klockes do many things behind the scenes for the Audubon Community.  Together Brian and Molly have been involved in the Sports Boosters, After Prom, and welcoming a foreign exchange student into their family and the community. Molly and Brian also volunteer at the Rose Theater and the Audubon County Farm Bureau. Molly is also a member of Audubon's 100 Women Who Care group.

Brian and Molly have invested heavily in bettering our community; however, their most passionate endeavor has been raising six active children and spending quality time with their seven grandchildren. The Klockes truly embodies the quote, "When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence."

Categories: 2022, Audubon

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