Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 5:11 PM by Emily Saveraid

John Charles WestercampJohn Charles Westercamp was a long-time supporter of the Van Buren County 4-H program.  He was the swine superintendent for many years and a swine project leader for the Trot Right In 4-H Club for 18 years.  Charlie was also a member of the Van Buren County Fair Board.  Even after his two sons, Steven and Terry, were out of 4-H, Charlie would attend the Van Buren County 4-H swine show, and he was often asked to be a ring man.  

Charlie had a heart for children, and he was always willing to help.  He especially loved spending time with his six grandchildren.  He helped get the grandkids pigs for county fair, tried to teach them how to read ear notches, and helped the girls breed and farrow their own piglets.  He supported their 4-H adventures in any way he could.  He invited them to do their county fair baking in his kitchen, looked at their photographs, listened to communications practice, and offered spending money for national 4-H trips.  

As his grandkids got more interested in raising rabbits than pigs, Charlie got interested in the rabbit hobby too.  He even joined the American Rabbit Breeders Association and the American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders and got a small herd of red New Zealand rabbits so he could learn along with the grandkids.  

Charlie passed away in 2020, and a rabbit and poultry monetary leadership award was started in his memory.

Categories: 2021, Van Buren

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