Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 4:18 PM by Emily Saveraid

Bill DreyBill started out his 4-H journey by showing cattle at the county fair.  Since that time, he has been involved in county and state fairs for over 58 years.  

Bill taught Agriculture Education for 30 years and served as the Montgomery County Extension Director and 4-H person for 12 years. Bill started the Montgomery County 4-H Clover Kids program and a 4-H science group while serving as Extension Director.  He also started the Montgomery County Shooting Sports program and has served as the coordinator and leader for 15 years.  

Bill has served as a 4-H leader, 4-H and Youth Committee member, Extension Council member for several terms, county fair superintendent, static judge at county fairs, and has worked with  4-H livestock judging teams.

Bill’s emphasis being on livestock and small animals, he enjoyed announcing many livestock shows for over 30 years.  Bill also helped at the Iowa State Fair for over 35 years in various capacities including serving as the 4-H Dog and 4-H Swine Superintendent at the Iowa State Fair.

Bill served Extension as a Master Gardner, Master Conservationist, and Community Tree Steward for the city of Red Oak.  He still answers many horticulture questions for 4-H members, the community, and Extension.  

Bill is the Ag In the Classroom Coordinator for Montgomery County and is involved at the county and state level.  He enlists high school students to help him in his endeavors and is very active in the community, county, and state with many activities and organizations.

Categories: 2021, Montgomery

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