Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 10:11 AM by Emily Saveraid

David & Mary TrowbridgeDavid and Mary Trowbridge have been involved in Mills County 4-H since 2008 when their youngest daughter, MacKenzie, joined the Mills County Prize Winners 4-H Club. David has been a lifelong 4-H’er, showing cattle at the Holt County Fair in Nebraska. Growing up in rural Nebraska on a dairy farm, David decided to pursue animal husbandry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he met Mary, who was enrolled in the education program for physical education. After graduating college, they moved to southwest Iowa and raised their five children. Always active as parents and as leaders in their community, they were on the go from sporting events, to work, and onto a band recital. 

When their youngest joined 4-H they both took on leadership roles within the county and started the Trowbridge Calf Class, where they loaned their calves and heifers to 4-H’ers who did not have access to cattle to show at fair. The program consists of weekly meetings for the kids to learn about animal care, grooming, showing, and the agricultural significance of livestock.

This program has impacted many lives since its birth in 2011, helping families show livestock independently as well as inspiring a few children to take up careers in agriculture. Not only has this program helped grow the number of cattle being shown in the country but it also helped spark similar programs within other livestock groups. David and Mary’s dedication to 4-H and its values of hard work and perseverance have been an integral part of the success of the Trowbridge Calf Class, where without their true passion and love for the program and their students they would have never been able to sustain the class. 

They are strong supporters of 4-H and live by the ideals set forth in our pledge, especially that we use our hands for larger service in our community. In every action they take they are looking to create a culture of love and support within their community and have told everyone that will listen, that 4-H is a place where love is fostered and moral fortitude is built. They are grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community and will continue to support Mills County 4-H in any way they can.

Categories: 2021, Mills

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