Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 10:09 AM by Emily Saveraid

Jeff & Christy HibbsJeff & Christy Hibbs have been active volunteers in Marshall County for 40 years, supporting and promoting 4-H and agriculture in a variety of ways.  They have served as leaders of the Clemons   4-H Club, and been very active supporters of the Liscomb 4-H Club for many years where their daughter Hannah was a member throughout her involvement in 4-H.

Jeff grew up participating in 4-H for 9 years through the Marietta Clippers Club.  He showed cattle at many shows around the country, including at the Central Iowa County Fair, Iowa State Fair, as well as in Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. Jeff showed the Grand Champion Steer at the Central Iowa Fair in 1976.  He has been active in the Iowa Cattlemen and is a past president of the Marshall County Cattlemen.  He was selected to participate in the Young Cattlemen’s Tour in 1990.  He has served for many years on the Central Iowa Fair Board, and is currently the treasurer.  He has been very active in the Marshall County Beef Committee, where he can be found helping at weigh-ins, helping in the show ring and other events at the fairgrounds throughout the year.  

Christy served on the Marshall County Extension Council for 11 years, including serving as vice-chair of the Council.  She was also a representative for the Youth Development Committee, which provides oversight and helps develops programs for youth in 4-H.

In addition to their farming operation, Christy and Jeff own and operate Market Off Main in Albion, a direct farm-to-market store that offers Hibbs beef products, locally sourced pork, lamb, poultry, dairy products, jams, honey and a variety of other items.  Jeff and Christy were recognized by the Iowa Cattlemen as the Iowa Outstanding Commercial Producer of the Year in 2017. 

Categories: 2021, Marshall

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