Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 10:07 AM by Emily Saveraid

Mark DrostMark Drost grew up in Tracy, Iowa. He was a member of the Tracy Tigers during his time as a 4-H member. Mark showed both cattle and a pony at the Marion County Fair. Mark really enjoyed his time in 4-H and has a lot of lifetime friendships that were formed at the fair and at other county events. 

As a member of both the Extension Council, since 1989, and fair board, since 2002, Mark has been a strong link between the two groups to ensure that we are all focused on making the best fair possible for our county.

When asked about his time on the Extension Council, Mark said that he is proudest of the outstanding 4-H program in Marion county.  The program is such a strong program because of the leaders and volunteers that Marion County has; he pointed out that lots of those leaders would be more deserving of this award than him. Marion County has not only worked hard to maintain the number of 4-Hers and projects, but consistently have had great quality projects. 

Mark is also proud about the 'feather in our hat' of having two Iowa FFA State Presidents among our 4-H Alumni. 

There are so many things that Mark has done to Make Marion County better in his time here...they are too numerous to list. But mostly, his focus on what the kids have done and accomplished are clearly what keeps him around as a volunteer. 

Categories: 2021, Marion

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