Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 9:13 AM by Emily Saveraid

Don & Judy WilsonIn 4-H there are a few that win the awards and honors and the claims to fame.  But there are others who shine even more brightly as they quietly get the work done day after day; lead the clubs; donate year after year for trophies; attend the fairs, the rally days and the family nights.  They are the ones that drive and chaperone; eat at the annual dinners and leave a check behind; buy items at the fundraisers and year after year watch the shows and walk the barns and the club booths.  This year’s inductees to the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame are a couple who don't seek the spotlight, but for more than 50 years could be counted on to support all things 4-H in Louisa County.

This year’s inductees have both been 4-H leaders in Louisa County.  That is not so unusual perhaps.   Many couples help each other as one is a leader and the other a supporter.  Sometimes couples lead a club together.  But there are only a handful of times that one half of a couple led one club and the other half of the couple led a completely different club -- during the same years.  That is amazing -- and a LOT of work but these two spent several years where he was the leader of the Columbus City Wildcats and she was the leader of Cloverleaf.

These two are the kinds of 4-H supporters that help their own children as most leaders do, but also supported other 4-Hers in their work and then supported their grandchildren and great-grandchildren helping all these young people learn to live the 4-H pledge.

This year these two, now in their mid-80's continue to live the words they have helped so many memorize:  I Pledge my head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, My health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world, as they drove on a cold December night thru the County Council Lighted Drive at the Fairgrounds -- and left a check.  And then again on a bright January day as they drove thru the Fairgrounds again to pick up Kentucky Fried Chicken and again left a check.  I am certain you will see them this year quietly watching their great grandchildren show animals and looking at displays in the 4-H building. 

We know you are not looking for the recognition, but thank you anyway to the quiet and hard-working Don & Judy Wilson and congratulations from the Louisa County Extension Council as we nominate you to be inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame with the 2021 Class of inductees.

Categories: 2021, Louisa

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