Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 9:03 AM by Emily Saveraid

Jill TitusJill Titus is in her 29th year of leading the Sherman Sunbeams 4-H Club in Jasper County.  She began as a leader in 1992 when her children, Tiffany, Heather, and Trevor were in 4-H. Currently her grandchildren are Sherman Sunbeam members. 

Jill has always been one to give back to the community and has organized countless annual community service projects for this club, ranging from donating holiday meals and gifts to families less fortunate, planting and weeding flowers at the Kellogg park, caroling & making cards for long term care residents, creating a community "blessing box," to participating in our 4-H Festival of Trees and Meals from the Heartland events, just to name a few. She attends annual volunteer trainings and has attended the North Central Leader's Volunteer Forum in the past. 

The Sherman Sunbeams have hosted an open Fun Horse Show, prior to the fair for at least twenty years. They consistently have an achievement show before the fair and farm tours. With Jill leading the way, the Sherman Sunbeams have raised money for a basketball court, provided carnival games, a picture board, and planted trees at the Jasper County Fairgrounds. They always help with fair clean up days and work in the 4-H food stand. 

Jill has hosted countless educational speakers, and workshops at her club meetings, including but not limited to, sewing, cooking (while providing a dinner for her club member's families), and photography. She encourages communication projects and recordkeeping. Her club often advances to the state fair with their Share the Fun act, and she has attended almost every recordkeeping ceremony since becoming a 4-H leader.  

The support and encouragement Jill shows to her 4-H members exceeds well beyond their 4-H years, impacting their career paths and writing exceptional letters of reference for them, often times forming life long bonds. You will not find a more dedicated 4-H volunteer than Jill Titus.

Categories: 2021, Jasper

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