Posted on August 23, 2021 at 1:34 PM by Emily Saveraid
LeRoy and Susan Witzel truly see the benefits of the 4-H program and have been generous throughout the years with both their time and money to support 4-H in any way they can.
LeRoy was in 4-H from a young age. He started in a club near Floyd or Charles City, transferred to a club in Kossuth County near LuVerne when he moved there with his family after his father’s passing. Susan was not a 4-H’er but grew up in Fort Madison Iowa. LeRoy’s favorite 4-H memory was spending a lot of time working with his calf to get it ready to show. His father wasn’t able to see him show that calf but he was awarded a grand champion ribbon on it as a very young boy. Fun fact: Grandson Joel Rasmussen used his same calf halter to show his own calf projects in the Humboldt County show ring years later.
LeRoy and Susan were very passionate 4-H leaders! LeRoy was a leader for the Vernon (Valley) Lakers for about 5 years, leading both his son, Larry Witzel, and son-in-law Kevin Rasmussen. Susan was a leader (of the Vernon Lassies) for a LONG TIME. She led during the time both Lisa (Rasmussen) and Lori (Curran) were 4-H’ers. Susan’s highlight of being a 4-H leader was taking the club to Adventureland. She and Pat determinedly rode the Tornado more times than their 4-H girls. LeRoy’s favorite memory as a 4-H leaders was, organizing a field trip for their club to Moline to tour the International Combine Factory and the John Deere headquarters, creating lasting memories for many of those members!
Both Susan and LeRoy were active in the Midwest Tool Collectors Association following their retirement from their family farm in rural Humboldt County. In 2000, the first Tool Meet was held and LeRoy and Susan asked for assistance from their grandkids’ clubs to provide the food and energy to run this meet. This partnership went on for 20 years, with the 4-H clubs earning a nice amount of money to apply to their local programming, while at the same time learning much about antique tools and the role those tool played in the building of homes and businesses of our country.
Susan and LeRoy continue to support their grandchildren to this day as the fourth generation is starting this path. They always made it a priority to visit the 4-H building at the Iowa State Fair to find their grandchildren’s winning projects. Probably one of their most proud 4-H moments was watching granddaughter Kate Curran being crowned Iowa State Fair Queen Runner Up! They truly are fantastic recipients of the 2021 Humboldt County 4-H Hall of Fame Award!
Categories: Humboldt