Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 1:33 PM by Emily Saveraid

Therma and Russell FitzgeraldTo say agriculture and the utmost passion to continuously serve your community is a large part of Russell and Therma’s lives, is an understatement. 

With Russell growing up on the now 4 generation family farm, and Therma joining him upon their marriage in 1961, the couple continues to raise and nurture their children and now grandchildren, surrounded by agriculture, as well as the love of helping and serving others. 

Although Russell and Therma were not in 4-H as children, the two have been avid supporters of the 4-H organization since 1976 when Therma became a leader of the Howard Center Stars 4-H club. Throughout Therma’s time as a leader, Youth Committee Member, and current Alumni Committee Member, she led by example along with giving encouragement and guidance to the club members.  She would help organize Spring Fair, and the Achievement show while Russell enjoyed teaching youth valuable life skills, he did this by supporting Therma and the club members, devoting much of his time by helping the club members with projects to exhibit at fair or as an audience for presentation practice. 

Their devotion to the 4-H program shines through still to this day as they continue to contribute time and monetary donations to the organization to ensure that today’s youth have the opportunity to become dedicated leaders, passionate educators, and thrive in areas in which they excel.

Categories: 2021, Howard

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