Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 11:54 AM by Emily Saveraid

Kris & Joan HansonKris and Joan Hanson have been instrumental behind the scenes at so many events. For more than 20 years, they have volunteered their time to help set-up our 4-H award program and banquet. Each year they organize and help manage the prep work and the kids helping at our fair spruce up and set up days. When we recently remodeled our exhibit building layout and displays, they offered to be on the committee. They researched different display options, spent many hours cutting PVC pipe for the displays, spent many hours ironing the tablecloths, and measured and labeled a map for setting up the display.  They are the exhibit building superintendents and spend a lot of time making sure all exhibits are well placed, spread out, safe from wind, and labeled for fairgoers. Joan also served as a fair clerk for the cat, dog, and pet shows and was a 4-H club leader for five years.

Our FIRST LEGO League program is a success in large part to Joan. She has been an FLL coach for six years. She put in nearly ten hours each week during the four-month season to make sure the kids had the best experience possible.  Joan also helped organize a FLL demonstration at the fair and our Family Fun Night. Kris and Joan also designed, set up, and volunteered to work at our FLL Mock Tournament and our Family Fun Night. Joan even volunteered to judge at a regional FLL contest so she could better understand the FLL tournament process.

We can’t forget that they are also 4-H parents and alumni. They have dedicated many hours to helping kids with paperwork, managing deadlines, and show schedules. Kris has taught many kids about shop safety when helping his own kids and their friends work on 4-H projects.

In our community they organize our Relay for Life events, including a tractor ride, Duesey Days and Fall Festival city events. Joan has also organized the coaches vs. cancer basketball and football games at the school and has been a Sunday School teacher as well as serving on the Garner Asset Project, the Ed Foundation at GHV schools, and the operations board at our ed center in the community. Kris served on the library board for 18 years, is currently on the church trustee board, and has been a volunteer fireman for 16 years. 

Hancock County Extension is grateful that Kris and Joan have served so many hours behind the scenes and volunteer to coordinate so many community events.


Categories: 2021, Hancock

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