Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 10:53 AM by Emily Saveraid

Dan & Ila TaylorDan and Ila Taylor of Bouton, Iowa, have a long line of 4-H and community involvement. Growing up on a family farm, they each became very involved in 4-H in their respective Iowa counties, Dallas and Scott County. They both started in 4-H around 1969, when they first became members. As fate would have it, a 4-H conference in Chicago is what brought the couple together, and this connection started a strong foundation for their contributions to the organization. The two got married and started farming in Dallas County in 1982. When their first son became 4-H age, they got involved with Dallas County 4-H as co-leaders for the Beaver Jr. Farmers 4-H Club. They were leaders to countless members, including all three of their children, Todd, Noah, and Hannah. As leaders, they always encouraged their members to try new projects, give presentations, volunteer in the community, and complete record books. 

Dan served as a fair board member and beef superintendent for the Dallas County Fair. He has always been passionate about teaching youth the importance of taking great care of livestock, and how valuable accurate records are for raising livestock in any capacity. Dan has also supported his local coop by serving on the Heartland Coop Board of Directors and at one time was president of the church council.

One of Ila’s first jobs was working at the Scott County Extension office. When she moved to Central Iowa after marrying Dan, she knew it was important to get involved in the community and so she found herself coaching youth sports. Later, she served on the board for the Dallas County Farm Home, was part of Dallas County Master Gardeners, and became busy volunteering at many events in the community. She is currently a member of Friends of the Minburn Library. Ila has also never shied away from helping cook food for community fundraisers or meals. 

The couple also know how important it is to take care of the land for current and future generations to come. In 2018, they were the regional winner for Iowa Farm Bureau Regional Conservation Awards. Dan and Ila also worked together with the school board and other parents to establish an agriculture and FFA program in the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community school district. 

Together, Dan and Ila have made a lasting impact on the lives of others and have never hesitated to step up when leadership was needed to serve their community.

Categories: 2021, Dallas

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