Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 10:37 AM by Emily Saveraid

Annette WedemeyerAnnette Wedemeyer was a Calhoun County 4-H leader for the Union 4-H Club for 14 years. Annette impacted the lives of many 4-H youth during her years as club leader.   

She was very patient, organized, and thoughtful and wanted all members to learn and have fun while being part of the group. She arranged annual outings for her group and often would arrange guest presenters to attend meetings to teach the kids about different topics. She organized many learning workshops as well. These events, along with many more, took a lot of planning time for Annette but she was always willing to put in the extra work to make sure her club was provided an opportunity to have fun and have new experiences while being part of the Union 4-H Club. 

Annette was also very active at the county fair. She would try to attend all of the shows her members were participating in and show them positive encouragement during the fair. Her club volunteered their time each year to help set up the Static Building and the Livestock pens prior to fair starting. 

Annette taught the kids in her club that it was important to give back to their communities. Their club often packed snacks during harvest for local famers and made cookies during the holidays for local businesses.

Calhoun County appreciates everything Annette has done and thanks her for her hard work and support to the Iowa 4-H program and specifically to the youth in Calhoun County.

Categories: 2021, Calhoun

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