Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach
Dr. Keith Miller is a longtime resident of Ringgold County. He believes that in order to make the county stronger, it is important to give of your time to things that you are passionate about. Two of Dr. Miller’s passions are livestock and the county fair. He has been able to enjoy the best of both worlds during his time as a Ringgold County Fair Board member, starting in 1985 and continuing today.
Not only has he been a Fair Board member, but most of those years he has served as the board chairperson. Dr. Miller has also held the role of fair vet and 4-H sheep superintendent. He is always happy to share his experiences and help teach the youth of today about livestock projects.
Dr. Miller thoroughly enjoys watching our youth. He appreciates the hard work that goes into any 4-H member’s project day in and day out. During the week of the county fair, he keeps an even closer eye on all the 4-H and FFA members that are at the fair. He doesn’t just watch and support them in the show ring, but also while they are doing all the behind the scenes work in the barn or while they lend an extra helping hand to someone that needs it. At the end of the county fair, he likes to present a “President’s Award” to the youth or group of youth that caught his eye the most. This is an award he created of his own doing, simply to show the youth that their work ethic doesn’t go unnoticed and is very much appreciated. He doesn’t just show this type of recognition at the county fair either. He has been known to pick out individuals throughout the year in all types of situations to recognize and thank them for standing out as a positive youth in our community.
Dr. Miller isn’t afraid to work hard himself. The fairgrounds are another “home away from home” for him. He can be seen morning and night driving through the fairgrounds on his way to and from places to check on things. He does whatever is needed – pick up trash, trim a tree, remove coons from the outdoor bathrooms, etc. The list of things that he has encountered could go on and on.
Ringgold County 4-H appreciates the support that Dr. Miller always shows the 4-H program. His interest in helping youth learn and excel in all that they do doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone, and he is truly appreciated. His infectious smile and laugh, his story-telling ability and his kind demeanor will be something that decades of Ringgold County 4-H members will always remember and cherish.