Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach
Kevin White has been a dedicated and active supporter of the Lucas County 4-H program for over 47 years. He joined the English Strivers 4-H group at the age of nine and has continued to serve the local 4-H program in various roles throughout the years. He believes 4-H is a great way to teach youth the importance of agriculture while providing them the opportunity to learn various life skills through static and livestock projects.
Kevin’s been involved in agriculture his entire life. He grew up helping take care of the swine and cattle on his family farm outside of Chariton. In 1973 he joined the English Strivers 4-H club. During his years as a 4-H member he showed home raised hogs and cattle at the Lucas County Fair and steers at the Iowa State Fair. He took advantage of some of the many opportunities provided through 4-H by participating in the 4-H student exchange, which allowed him to spend a summer on a family farm in Nebraska. He also really enjoyed going to Washington D.C. on the Citizenship trip. During his high school years he participated on the 4-H judging team at the state level. He really enjoyed his 4-H years and wanted to give back to the program after he was done.
After graduating from high school, Kevin began farming full time with his dad and brother and remained extremely active in the 4-H program. Kevin served on the Lucas County Extension Council for 8 years. From 1982-1993 Kevin was a leader of the English Strivers. Also in 1982 he became a swine superintendent, a position that he held until 2019. Over the 37 years he was a swine superintendent he and his fellow superintendents spent countless hours every year helping out behind the scenes as they prepared for pig weigh-in, got things ready for the fair, worked on show bills, ran the swine show, and loaded the hogs after the sale. He truly enjoyed working with the 4-H-ers and tried his best to make sure everything went well for them. During his years of service to the Lucas County 4-H program, he was honored as fair dad. Kevin enjoyed being a 4-H parent and helped his daughter Brittany and son Ty with both their livestock and static projects every year.