Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach

Robert (Bob) Larkey was born in 1944 to Alva and Ella Larkey. He spent his childhood on their family farm in the small town of Onslow, Iowa. There they raised Belgian horses, Hereford cattle, and chickens. When he wasn’t busy with the animals, Bob would be out helping plant and harvest crops. Through his years of helping on his family’s farm, it only felt natural for him to join the Jones County 4-H Program. Bob Larkey

The memories Bob made during his time in 4-H are memories he treasures to this day. Of his memories, fair time definitely tops his list of favorites. From his time showing market beef steers to winning the Calf Scramble, the Great Jones County Fair 4-H Program definitely left an impression on Bob. His passion for agriculture led him to attend auctioneering school following high school. After completing his education, Bob started auctioneering, buying, and selling cattle at various area livestock sales. Though Bob cherishes these memories, his proudest are those moments spent with his family.

On July 11, 1969 Bob and Myrna (Gohlmann) Larkey wed at the First Lutheran Church in Maquoketa, Iowa. They became the proud parents to four children: Troy (Shonna) Larkey of Montana, Rick Larkey of Iowa, Scarlet (Craig) Dietz of Iowa, and Robin (Paul) Krogman of Iowa. Bob’s love for his family only grew with the addition of his eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

To this day, Bob continues to be a strong supporter of the Jackson and Clinton County 4-H Programs by hosting weigh-ins for the 4-H beef project and carcass shows held at the Maquoketa Livestock Sales Barn. In addition, Bob enjoys attending the 4-H and FFA livestock sales where he purchases cattle, rabbits, and chickens. When Bob isn’t busy helping at a 4-H event, he can be found watching Standardbred horse races, playing a round of cards with his buddies during morning coffee, and most importantly spending time with his family.

Bob’s generosity has been a key component to the success of the Jackson County 4-H Program. His many years of support, have kept the 4-H memories alive through hundreds of Jackson County 4-H Youth while they pledge their heads, hearts, hands, and health to the betterment of our world. Bob’s kindhearted character is always sure to brighten anyone’s day.

Thank you Bob for your many years of support. The Jackson County 4-H Program is truly fortunate to have you!

Categories: Jackson, 2020

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