Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach

Mary Stevenson is a life-long supporter of Clinton County 4-H and the Clinton County Club Show. Mary served 15 years as a club leader for the Wapsi Valley 4-H Club. In 2014, the club received the Governor’s Volunteer Award. As one of the first members of the endowment committee, Mary helped build the committee to form a lasting impression on the 4-H members in Clinton County. Mary served on Youth Committee for seven years bringing her voice and expertise to the table. Mary Stevenson

Back in 2006, Mary and her family welcomed a 13-year-old boy from Japan as part of the 4-H cultural exchange program. Mary, her husband Terry and their four children – Marla, Marissa, Marcy and Trevor – were all active 4-H members who enjoyed giving back to their community.

Currently, Mary serves Clinton County 4-H members as the Fair Board Secretary and Fair Manager. With her years of knowledge, Mary brings the 4-H member, parent, and leader perspective to make the Clinton County Club Show a success. Last year when the Extension Office was down a couple of staff members, Mary stepped up to answer questions from summer staff and families to help make the fair run smoothly. 4-H members and families agree, things wouldn’t be the same without Mary!

Categories: Clinton, 2020

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